
Sample Post

Watermelon and Orange is a 2-column pre-designed template with a sidebar on the right.  This template comes with four coordinating social media icons of your choice.  It may be customized using the colors of your choice or upgraded to a three-column template for an additional $15.

This template can be installed onto self-hosted WordPress.org sites for and additional $50.00. WordPress pre-designed templates will include Genesis framework and child’s theme.

The Watermelon and Orange pre-designed template includes: header, background, four social media icons, color coordination of links and installation.

Price for 2-column Blogger design: $25.00
Price for 2-column self-hosted Wordpress design: $75.00

To place an order:
1. Read our terms of service policy.
2. Fill out the pre-designed order form. After you fill out the order form and click submit you will be directed to paypal. Please make your payment in full for all design services requested.
3. After your order is received and your payment is made in full your design will be installed within 3-5 days.

If you would like to upgrade to custom colors, please specify what colors you would like to use and where you would like to use them on the order form.

Additional items may be added to your order, please specify if you would like to add items to your design.

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